A matter of books
I posted on Twitter a smattering of books I had recently acquired, along with some old ones which resulted in the question, when did my library get so sensible?
I posted on Twitter a smattering of books I had recently acquired, along with some old ones which resulted in the question, when did my library get so sensible?
So, I couldn’t get Twitter Tools to work properly. It was constantly giving me “No tweets available at the moment.” After a lot of head banging and not really much information coming from the interwebs, I started to look at the backend of my installation.
I wrote a blog post over on Arekibo’s Blog about taking part in 24theweb. It was an excellent event and an excellent day. I’m not going to repeat myself here, so check it out over there!
As you may have noticed from my blog posts, the tags and categories at the top of the posts are a bit all over the place (let’s not talk about the comments just yet!). I need to do something with them but in making this decision, I have come to question whether it is absolutely…
It’s just a happenin’ day for news today! I’ve been invited to take part in 24theweb in a week’s (can’t believe how close it is) time.
So, major news, I’ve been invited to be a co-curator on HTML5 Gallery!
I was on the Dublin Bus website this evening and realised it’s gone through a redesign. I thought, “oh, this is nice… fresh… clean, but how do I find a route by number?”